8 Ways You Can Start Growing in Your Faith

Very rarely (and by that we mean next to never) does someone roll out of bed and instantly become a perfect spouse, friend, employee, or parent. No matter how badly you want to be better for the people around you, nothing will change unless your habits do. 

This is true in our spiritual lives as well. 

Have you ever felt like a lukewarm believer? Have you been stuck going through the motions, simply hoping for a radical change in faith? We want to help take you from wishing to working toward a more energized life in Christ. 

Here, Pastor Chris and our team at Elevate Community Church share six ways you can grow in your faith.

#1: Make quiet time a habit

What do we mean by quiet time? We’re talking about time that you carve out of your day specifically to spend with God. This could be the first few moments of your morning, the last few before you go to bed, or somewhere in between. 

Typically, this looks like reading your Bible, working through a devotional, or simply being still and letting God speak to you.

#2: Apply your reading

Ever read a self-help book? What good is it if you don’t apply what you’ve read? Apply that same thinking to what you read in Scripture. James 1:22 encourages us in this way: “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.”

Among other things, God commands us to be repentant, obedient, disciple-makers, who are constantly in prayer. How are you displaying this in your daily life?

#3: Get plugged in

God did not design us to huddle up in a dark corner memorizing Bible verses; He designed us to learn, grow, and do life together. Considered getting plugged in at church through volunteering, joining a small group, etc. You’ll be amazed at how much closer to God you become when you engage in authentic community at church. 

We want to help you find where you fit. Click here to find a small group and to learn about our volunteer opportunities.

#4: Practice praying

Praying is often one of the most difficult parts of being a believer. Prayer is how you talk to God and one of the ways you develop a relationship with Him. 

All too often, our thoughts wander when we pray or we simply forget to do it. But a solid prayer life is essential to growing close to God. So, next time you settle into bed or you gather at the dinner table, try this little prayer hack.

Think ACTS:

  • Adoration: Praise God for who He is and what He’s done

  • Confession: Confess and ask forgiveness for your sins

  • Thanksgiving: Spend time thanking God for the myriad blessings you’ve received

  • Supplication: Yield your life to Christ and ask Him to provide for your needs and those around you according to His will

#5: Embrace the fruits of the spirit

Maybe you’ve heard them in a Sunday school song, or maybe you’ve never heard of them before. The fruits of the Spirit, outlined in Galatians 5, are key identifiers that make believers stand out from the rest of the world. They are:

  • Love

  • Joy

  • Peace

  • Patience

  • Kindness

  • Generosity

  • Faithfulness

  • Gentleness

  • Self-control

Understanding and then adopting these attitudes into your life helps you become more like Christ was and closer to Him in the process.

#6: Start addressing your temptations

Being tempted is not a sin. God warns us that we will be tempted countless times during our lives. The key is how you respond to those temptations. You must make room for the good things God has planned for you by getting rid of sins and evil desires.

This may sound easier than it is. Okay, it doesn’t even sound easy. But the Lord promises He will always provide a way out of our temptations.

Pastor Chris recently gave an entire sermon series about dealing with temptation. He gives you insight into what’s tempting you and strategies for how to deal with it. You can tune in here

#7: Make faith part of your daily life

Another great way to grow in your faith is to keep God on your mind throughout the day. This might look like playing worship music on your way to work, jotting down verses and sticking them around your cubicle, or praying periodically during your day. 

Whatever this means to you, do it. It’s far too easy to show up on Sunday and then forget about God’s presence by Monday morning. Fight that passivity by taking intentional steps to keep God in front of you always.

#8: Grow as you go

When you go out into the world, sharing your faith and disciplining others, you do the most growing. This comes from communicating your faith in a way that is effective and makes sense and being challenged by questions that people ask that you may not know the answers to. 

And you will grow by being around different perspectives that are different from yours that will force you to reflect and either refine or reaffirm what you believe.

Need some help getting started? Looking for some resources? We’d love to chat with you. You can fill out this contact form or reach out through social media. One of our awesome staff members will be in touch soon. 


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