A Christmas Reminder: Keep It Simple

Are you having a love-hate relationship with Christmas these days? We understand. There’s so much to love: presents, time with family, decorations, parties, and more. But what we love most about Christmas can also be what we end up dreading. Presents means money spent, time with family can turn into tough discussion, putting up decorations is just one more thing on your to-do list — so are the parties. 

Don’t you wish it could all be simpler?

Here at Elevate Community Church, that’s what we’re focusing on this year. 

If you love classic cartoons like we do, then you’ll probably have fond memories of watching A Charlie Brown Christmas. One scene in particular stands out to us — maybe you’ve already guessed it.

Linus Van Pelt, equipped only with his blanket, steps onto the stage and into the spotlight. And with a clear calm voice, he delivers a moving rendition of the real Christmas story. 

The scene is so powerful without a band, without crescendo, and without stage design. It’s powerful because it takes Christmas down to the core and reminds us all what and why we’re really celebrating. 

How can you be like Linus this year? 

Do you need to return a few of those gifts under the tree and spend the money elsewhere? Can you be gracious and forgiving with your family instead of defensive and combative? Can you say “no” to that party and take time with your closest friends instead?

Whatever simplifying Christmas looks like to you, make it a priority these next few days and take it with you into the new year. 

Remember, the message of the Gospel is simple: a young girl, a helpless baby, and a silent night. All you have to do is believe this one simple truth: Jesus loves you. 

Merry Christmas to you and yours from your family at Elevate Community Church! We hope to see you in person on Christmas Eve at the Sergeant Bluff campus and online on Christmas day.


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