Tips for Sharing Your Faith

The Great Commission found in Matthew 28 is one of the most energizing, convicting passages in the Bible. After all, those words are some of Jesus’ last on earth. Why wouldn't we sit up in our chairs and take them seriously? 

Unfortunately, this call to go and make can often be a stumbling block. 

So our team at Elevate Community Church wants to come alongside you and equip you with a few strategies to help you live out the Great Commission with confidence.

Start with God

We’d be fools to tell you that your ability to share your faith starts anywhere other than at the foot of the cross. Sharing your faith is a very personal and often very overwhelming thing to do, especially when you face the possibility of rejection or humiliation. That’s why the best place to start is reading God’s word and praying for guidance. 

The last verse in Matthew 28 says “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Why not take Him up on His promise? Seek His counsel and He will open the right doors at the right moment and give you the perfect words to say (see also Matthew 10:20)

Know your story

Lots of people can debate lots of things when you start talking about your faith — but they can’t debate your story. No one can strip away the evidence of God in your life. So, know your story and be able to talk about it openly and transparently. 

Get to know Jesus

It’s also important to know Jesus’ story and be able to talk about Him the way you would an old friend. God designed us to have a relationship with Him, but (thanks to Adam and Eve), we humans live in sin, separated from God. 

That’s where Jesus comes in. 

We need to tell everyone we can about how Jesus came to earth and gave His life to redeem us, completely restore our relationship with God, and pave the way to eternal life. 

No, you don’t have to have your master’s in theology or have the Romans Road memorized, but it does go a long way if you have a firm grip on what exactly you believe and why you believe it.  

Invest in relationships

Have people come to faith by randomly bumping into a believer and stumbling into an evangelical conversation? Sure. However, the best way to make disciples and not simply converts is to establish relationships with the people you’re sharing your faith with. 

Expect rejection

Unfortunately, your attempt to share your faith will get shot down more often than not. That’s okay. It’s not your job to change someone. In fact, you are completely powerless to do so. Only God can do that. All you can do is be open and willing, take advantage of the opportunities God gives you, and live in such a way as to make people curious or feel as though they can confide in you.

Know that your job isn’t over yet

Praise God! You’ve shared your faith, and God has used your story to change a heart for eternity. Now what? Let’s go back to what the Bible says. 

Jesus never said make converts. He said make disciples. That means your work isn’t over yet. Now it’s time to invest in your friend, family member, coworker, etc. and help them become a student, a follower, a true child of God. 

Start by inviting them to church, making sure they have a Bible, and otherwise nurturing their faith so it grows deeper and continues to mature. 

Need more information? We’d love to talk with you. Reach out online or on social media to chat with one of our awesome staff members.


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